Monday, January 6, 2020

Hiv / Aids And Malaria - 1598 Words

Since 2013, the UK has a populations of 63,136 thousands, with a median age of 40 years. The number of births in the country is 770.3 thousands, while the number of deaths is 560 thousands. The at-birth life expectancy for both sexes is currently 81, while women appear to have a higher life expectancy than males. Despite the late life expectancy age, there are a number of diseases that greatly influence the UK’s health status. Among the UK’s top global health issues, cardiovascular disease (CVD) ranks among the top health issue throughout the country. This is perfectly reflected as a major global health problem as the World Health Organization considers cardiovascular diseases the main cause of death globally. Other major global health issues are much less prominent in the UK, such as HIV/AIDS and Malaria. Despite the UK’s miniscule presence of HIV/AIDS and Malaria, the UK has become a leading country within the Western countries in the management of preventable diseases, considering the top five fatal diseases: stroke, heart disease, cancer, lung and liver disease. Cumulatively, these diseases cause over 150,000 deaths per year within people under the age of 75 years old. Furthermore, approximately 30,000 of the deaths are completely preventable, according to UK’s Department of Health. Within respiratory diseases, the most prominent ones are Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COP D) and asthma, with 6% of the population having asthma and over 3 million of the populationShow MoreRelatedThe United Nation s Millennium Development Goals1021 Words   |  5 PagesUK’s Millennium Development, goal number six, is the combat of diseases such as HIV/AIDS and malaria in all countries. There are many countries that have made significant progress in the combat of disease; Nigeria is no exception. 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